broken hill in Chinese
- 布罗肯希尔
- 布洛肯山丘
- 布洛肯希尔
- 卡布韦
- 切割丘陵
- "broken" in Chinese : adj. 1.破裂的,打碎了的,弄破了的;(腿、臂等)已 ...
- "hill" in Chinese : n. 1.小山〔英国通常指2000英尺以下的山丘〕;〔p ...
- "broken hill agreement" in Chinese : 布罗肯希尔协定
- "broken hill man" in Chinese : 布罗肯山人
- "broken hill proprietary" in Chinese : 布罗肯希尔土地兴业公司
- "broken hill south ltd" in Chinese : 布罗肯希尔南方有限公司
- "north broken hill holdings ltd" in Chinese : 北布罗肯希尔控股公司
- "rhodesian broken hill development co" in Chinese : 罗得西亚布罗肯希尔开发公司
- "be broken" in Chinese : 被损坏
- "broken" in Chinese : adj. 1.破裂的,打碎了的,弄破了的;(腿、臂等)已骨折的。 2.(地面 ...
- "broken in" in Chinese : 强行进入
- "broken into" in Chinese : 强行进入
- "broken-in" in Chinese : 断裂
- "hill" in Chinese : n. 希尔〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.小山〔英国通常指2000英尺以下的山丘〕;〔 ...
- "on the hill" in Chinese : 在山上
- And continuing the african theme , this incredible 7cm group of hopeite crystals from the kabwe mine ( or as it was called at the time this was collected , the broken hill mine ) in zambia
Other Languages
- "broken hill" meaning in Japanese: {地名} : ブロークンヒル◆オーストラリア
- "broken hill" meaning in Russian: Брокен-Хилл (Австралия)
"harlequin hills" in Chinese, "puente hill" in Chinese, "trinity hills" in Chinese, "fluted hill" in Chinese, "hill placement" in Chinese, "night hill" in Chinese, "parliament hill" in Chinese, "palatine hill" in Chinese, "castle hill" in Chinese, "broken heart poetry" in Chinese, "broken hearted" in Chinese, "broken hearted monster" in Chinese, "broken height" in Chinese, "broken hemp" in Chinese, "broken hill agreement" in Chinese, "broken hill man" in Chinese, "broken hill proprietary" in Chinese, "broken hill south ltd" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of broken hill in Chinese and how to say broken hill in Chinese? broken hill Chinese meaning, broken hill的中文,broken hill的中文,broken hill的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by